Monday, September 13, 2010

CHINA Vs. India

There is a lot of talk on the same as some books are being published and expert views are being given. The matter really has some matter or just a issue not identified in this manner is being brought forward. Whatever may be the fact because "fact lies in perception". If any matter prepared with some facts and figures which are seldom given attention suddenly presented with fashion and strategy by taking comments of famous personalities and using the media approach has become a regular practice.
Though some serious thoughts and subject matter never gets such media support and attention e.g. the Amartya Sen and Late Dr. C.K. Prahlad but do get the recognition of academic and thinking world. Their work never falls in the BEST SELLER category but certainly get the attention of some serious thinkers who decides the NOBEL PRIZE category. Thanks to their wisdom and hearing capability which successfully distinguishes the noise from the silent but meaningful whisper.
The subject matter carries a lot of imperfections such as the size, demography, historical background and habit structure of inhabitants that make the discussion and comparison much complex. The political dynamics as well as the economic fundamentals are also incomparable still for the sake of considering it as stepping stone or mile stone we can look forward for that. Certainly the growth model of China is admirable but as the Elephant cant be compared with the Lion same is the situation here. Still debate is the way for bringing different insights on to the subject as well as utilization of learning modes.

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